Advocacy group HealthCareCAN's recommendations includes pan-Canadian licensing model

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novembre 04, 2022

In July, a meeting of premiers centered on healthcare ended with only finger-pointing over funding. As provincial health ministers meet next week, the associations representing Canada’s doctors, nurses and health organizations issued measures governments can take to stabilize the country’s strained healthcare system. They include:

  • Retention incentives to reduce administrative burden and increased mental health and supports for healthcare workers;
  • A pan-Canadian workforce planning strategy to gather data and tackle the workforce shortage;
  • Models of care to ensure workers can work to their full scope of practice;
  • A pan-Canadian licensure allowing physicians to offer care across any province;
  • Investments in physical and digital infrastructure to facilitate integrated, team-based care;
  • Improving access to primary care with a virtual care strategy; and
  • Streamlined immigration and credentialing/licensing for internationally educated health professionals.

Les fournisseurs de soins de santé rédigent une ordonnance d’espoir aux gouvernements du Canada - SoinsSantéCAN
Canada’s ER crisis: Doctors urge governments to stop finger-pointing and find solutions - Global News

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