Updated menopause, hormone replacement, heart health guidelines released

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octobre 31, 2022

The guidelines, informing the care of perimenopausal and post-menopausal woman in Canada are backed by data to help physicians know when to prescribe menopausal hormone therapy and when it might not be worth potential risks. Post-menopause, women are at a higher risk for a number of health conditions, including cardiovascular disease. The updated guidelines state that menopausal hormone therapy is the most effective treatment for the relief of menopause symptoms. Researchers found that short-term menopausal hormone therapy didn’t come with increased cardiovascular risk when appropriately prescribed to women who were not at a high risk for heart problems.
Hormonothérapie et santé du coeur: de nouvelles directives cliniques essentielles pour les médecins, infirmières, pharmaciens et autres professionnels de la santé - SOGC

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