Doctors warn health system not ready for diseases caused by climate change

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octobre 30, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic showed how the country was able to manage a health crisis but Canadian doctors say it's time turn our attention to the climate and health crisis to protect citizens today and generations to come. They claim the healthcare system has the potential to increase resilience to extreme heat and other climate-related health risks but it’s far from ready. It says heat waves may increase the number of ER visits by 10% to 15%, further straining healthcare capacity and reducing quality of care. Doctors are also concerned about the effects of climate change on mental health as they’re seeing evidence of increased instances of PTSD following extreme weather events. The policy brief suggests climate risk training for health workers and creating healthcare contingency plans for extreme weather events.
Le système de santé du Canada ne serait pas prêt à faire face à la crise climatique - La Presse Canadienne

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