Updated guidelines outline how to diagnose anxiety in children as waitlists for mental health support grow

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octobre 20, 2022

Most Canadian children and adolescents can’t get timely, quality, first-line treatments for anxiety disorders. The Canadian Paediatric Society guidelines are the first from the organization to specifically address anxiety disorders, which are among the most common mental health conditions affecting children and teens. Early detection and management of anxiety disorders are critical for preventing more significant problems later in life, however, the demand for mental health services among children and adolescents in the country far outstrips the care that physicians and other professionals can provide. The pediatric society noted that psychotherapy and parenting programs offered by clinical psychologists and social workers are often only accessible to families with private insurance or who can otherwise pay for them.
L’anxiété chez les enfants et les adolescents – partie 1 : le diagnostic - Société canadienne de pédiatrie

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