NBHC launches Population Health Profiles, tools to collect information on health and welfare

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octobre 27, 2022

The NBHC's Population Health Profile provides an overview of the health and well-being of people who live, learn, work and take part in activities in each community of the province. As part of the launch, NBHC is also making it easier for citizens to find and use the information with two new tools. The first is a highlights section for documents it releases. It includes summaries that provide an overview of complicated or lengthy documents. The second tool is an online search function that allows individuals and organizations to isolate various topics that the health council collected over the years. CEO Stéphane Robichaud says communities are more engaged then in the past and they're looking for information about specific locations more now than ever before.
Santé de la population : Le CSNB organise une session d’information pour les médias - CSNB
Santé dans les régions du N.-B.: radiographie de la population francophone - L'Acadie Nouvelle (abonnement)
Council makes it easier to get information about health of N.B. communities - CBC News
Health council tapped to help improve ailing system - Telegraph Journal (sub. req.)

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