Horizon investing $6.4M in surgical services for five rural hospitals

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octobre 17, 2022

The health network’s looking to address the province’s orthopedic surgery backlog created due to staffing shortages, an aging population and pandemic-related surgery cancellations. Horizon says the funding will result in over 1,090 additional hip and knee replacement surgeries annually. Hospitals in Sussex, Sackville, Upper River Valley and Oromocto will receive funding to carry out improvements in their services. Horizon will also increase access to - and lower wait times for - acute care services. Sackville and Sussex centres both faced closures and suspensions of services because of staffing shortages in the last year.
Bonification prochaine de l’offre de services chirurgicaux dans certains hôpitaux communautaires - Réseau de santé Horizon
New Brunswick doctors not 'doing fine,' says new medical society president - CBC News

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