Canada, provinces ill-equipped to deal with rising rates of dementia

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octobre 19, 2022

A national seniors’ advocacy organization says the country’s healthcare system isn’t ready for the massive influx of dementia patients in the coming years. The report benchmarks the progress of each province in providing care for people with dementia and considers N.B. (and every other province) as not being "dementia ready" when relating to support for patients, caregivers, healthcare providers or to supportive policies. The findings for N.B. show:

  • N.B.’s population is higher than the Canadian average in all four of the age brackets identified;
  • N.B. physicians reported higher confidence ratings than the national average on both dementia care and palliative care preparedness;
  • N.B. doesn’t have a current dementia strategy. Public consultations took place in 2019; and
  • N.B. hasn't made dementia a public health priority; while also reporting similar, or below average performance for three of the four identified risk factors for dementia.

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