Ont. research finds hospital readmission rate for younger women higher than for younger men after heart attack

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octobre 05, 2022

Over the study period, rehospitalization rates for adverse cardiovascular events and all-cause readmission rates were significantly higher for women (25% for women vs. 21% for men). Researchers say this underscores the need for ongoing efforts to improve prevention strategies, as risk factors for heart disease in young women continue to rise. The study found that younger women hospitalized with an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) had a significantly higher prevalence of cardiac risk factors and comorbidities compared to younger men with AMI. Notably, there was a steady increase in the prevalence of diabetes in women over time. Close to 25% had diabetes in 2009 compared to close to 35% in 2018, which was much higher than among men, whose rates of diabetes increased by just 4%, from 18% to 22%, over the same time period.

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