National study reveals impact, inequities women face during menopause

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octobre 06, 2022

The research found 46% feel unprepared for this stage of life and 54% believe menopause is still a taboo subject. Despite menopause affecting 50% of the population, a remarkable four in 10 women reported feeling alone through their menopause experience. Most women (95%) in the survey experienced menopausal symptoms. While the majority were aware of hot flashes (84%) and night sweats (77%), two-thirds or more weren’t aware that urinary tract infections (82%) and heart palpitations (75%) were symptoms. Six in 10 didn’t know that headaches/migraines (58%), anxiety (58%), depression (56%) and memory issues (58%) were symptoms. The Menopause Foundation of Canada wants to remind the population that there's preventative care, lifestyle choices and treatment options that are safe and effective to help women during their menopausal years
Un nouveau rapport de recherche pancanadien sur la ménopause révèle le lourd fardeau du silence et de la stigmatisation des femmes au Canada - Fondation Canadienne sur la Ménopause

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