B.C. deal for family doctors will include alternative to fee-for-service payment system

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octobre 03, 2022

The B.C. government will table a new deal for family doctors promising a better compensation model to address rising business costs and to provide physicians with an alternative to the current fee-for-service payment system. Doctors of BC says the goal is to better support family physicians who are still in practice, to encourage family doctors who left to return to that line of work and to make family medicine the most attractive option for upcoming physicians. While other provinces shifted away from fee-for-service compensation, B.C. is slow to move, with many doctors still supportive of the model. In B.C., 80% of physicians bill this way, compared to 45% of Ont. doctors.
Female doctors in Ontario earn 34% less on average, even in fields they dominate - Globe and Mail (sub. req.)

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