Alta. pilot to accelerate registration of internationally-trained physicians

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octobre 04, 2022

The five-year pilot will evaluate whether certain international medical graduates (IMGs) may begin independently practicing faster. Currently, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta’s Practice Readiness Assessment (PRA) consists of two parts:

  1. A three-month preliminary clinical assessment where the candidate works under direct observation in the medical practice of an assessor; and
  2. A three-month supervised practice assessment where the candidate is working independently and providing medical services to Albertans.

The pilot project will waive the first three-month requirement for IMGs that have comparable training to that obtained in Canadian universities. Other requirements, such as clinical review exams, will also be waived for those eligible for the pilot program. The province also signed an MOU with the Philippines to assist in the recruitment of RNs and LPNs, making the province a preferred destination for Filipino nurses.
L’Alberta signe une entente avec les Philippines pour attirer des infirmières - Radio-Canada

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