ICES : Research can't prove pandemic was direct cause of Ont. family doctors' exodus

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octobre 05, 2022

Unity Health Toronto and ICES found the number of family physicians who stopped working doubled between Mar. and Sept. 2020 compared to the same period the previous year. The study cites other possible reasons such as health concerns, increased practice costs due to infection prevention and control measures, drop in revenue due to reduction in visits and burnout. About 385 of 12,000 physicians stopped their practice and those who did were more likely to be aged 75 or older and care for under 500 patients. The findings also suggest that many were approaching retirement and accelerated their plans during the pandemic. The researchers call for a re-evaluation of the payment model for family doctors, saying the model should create a more predictable income and provide flexibility. They also suggest expanding primary care teams to include other health professionals such as social workers, pharmacists and nurses.
La pandémie a provoqué l'exode des médecins de famille en Ontario révèle une étude - Coup d’œil

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