Ten medical seats returning from N.L. to N.B. in effort to retain medical students

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octobre 04, 2022

Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick (DMNB) traditionally accepts 30 medical students. This will increase to 40. The province was paying for those 10 seats to exist at Memorial University in N.L. since 2000. They’ll be moved to Dal starting next fall. The province funds 70 medical seats in medical schools annually. By next fall, 64 of them will be provided within N.B., while another six will continue to be available in Que. According to a student at DMNB, providing an opportunity to study at home creates critical opportunities for them to connect with the province and its people.
Dix places en médecine seront transférées à Saint John, d’autres places seront créées dans la province - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

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