N.B. COPD pilot shows promising results

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septembre 24, 2022

The Saint John-based pulmonary rehab program aims to build a patient’s stamina and keep them out of hospital. It also teaches participants how to properly take their medications and what to do if symptoms suddenly get worse. Seniors in the program build their endurance using gym equipment, free weights and drumming exercises. NBCC and UNB students from disciplines such as respiratory therapy, nursing and pharmacy technology work almost one-on-one with the seniors who take part. The chair of Allied Health programs for NBCC says N.B. spends $23 million annually on COPD, which equates to about 3,100 hospital admissions at $7,400 per admission. She adds the program is decreasing the risk of lung attack in about 0.14% of N.B.’s COPD population and if each one of those participants reduces their admission to hospital by only one, this could save almost $600,000 of healthcare spending.

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