Ontario Medical Association proposes stand-alone surgical centres to clear wait lists

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septembre 19, 2022

The creation of surgical centres is proposed as a solution to reduce pressures on the province’s hospital system and to clear the backlog of scheduled surgeries. The OMA says these "integrated ambulatory centres" would provide same-day surgeries and procedures such as hip and knee surgeries, freeing up ORs for sicker patients and shortening wait times overall. These stand-alone centres would partner with local hospitals to provide insured medical services and would merge into the publicly funded healthcare system. Other solutions include offered by the OMA include:

  • Licensing more foreign-trained physicians, through increased residency spots and a government practice-ready assessment program; and
  • Creating more hospice beds and palliative care services to improve the patient experience, support caregivers and reduce pressures on emergency departments.

Specialist doctors report 1 million B.C. patients on waitlists - CTV News
« Nous sommes démoralisés » disent des spécialistes au ministre de la Santé de la C.-B. - Radio-Canada
Cancer care system in B.C. buckling as staff shortages lead to soaring wait times - The Globe and Mail (sub. req.)

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