Horizon Health Network pilot of social workers in EDs reducing social admissions

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septembre 23, 2022

The Health network says the pilot project is also reducing ED visits and strengthening early co-ordination of SDOH to decrease the length of stay for patients who are admitted. The pilot project started at The Saint John Regional Hospital in Jan. 2022, followed by The Moncton Hospital and Miramichi Regional Hospital in the spring and the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton in the summer. Since then, over 350 social admissions were prevented. This resulted in many groups - within Horizon and community partners - supporting the program to increase sustainable outcomes for patients. Some of the hospitals are supported by their foundations for this program, allowing social workers to purchase gift cards or pay for transportation to medical appointments or meetings with community organizations.
Un projet pilote de travail social dans les services d’urgence profite aux patients et réduit les admissions pour manque de soutien social - Réseau de santé Horizon

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