Males, people living in rural areas less compliant with COVID-19 precautions

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septembre 15, 2022

The research underlines the importance of understanding which population groups are less likely to comply with precautions and where they're located can serve to identify groups that public health messaging should target in relation to future waves of COVID-19, other pandemics or other public health crises. Statistics Canada says Canadians were generally compliant with precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as mask-wearing and self-isolating, in the earlier waves of the pandemic. However, from Nov. 2020 to Apr. 2021, males and people living in rural areas were less compliant with the precautions than females and people living in urban areas. In addition to males and people in rural areas, individuals living in the territorial capitals and individuals aged 34 and younger (compared with people aged 65 and older) were less compliant overall.
Respect des précautions contre la COVID-19 - Statistique Canada

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