Alzheimer society warns nearly 1M Canadians expected to have dementia by 2030

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septembre 06, 2022

The Alzheimer Society of Canada’s projections represent an increase of over 65% from 2020. The report predicts that by 2050, the number of people with dementia and the number of caregivers will nearly triple. Unless measures are taken to reduce the risks and delay the onset of the condition, it warns that close to 690,000 full-time jobs will be required annually to support the 1.7 million Canadians who will have dementia by 2050. In 2020, there were 350,000 unpaid caregivers for people with dementia, providing an average of 26 hours of care each week, totalling 470 million hours a year. The report recommends that the federal government costs out and fully fund the national dementia strategy it released in 2019. Recommendations for provincial governments include improving education for all ages and helping workplaces provide flexible support to caregivers.

Près d'un million de Canadiens souffriront de démence d'ici 2030, selon une étude - Agence QMI

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