Nova Scotians on family doctor wait-list can access virtual appointments

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août 31, 2022

Nova Scotians who are on the provincial wait-list for a family doctor can sign up for a free service that offers online appointments with a doctor or NP. Previously, people needed an email invitation to use VirtualCareNS. Nova Scotia Health is training 16 doctors and six NPs to add to the team and the health authority anticipates more will be hired as demand grows. VirtualCareNS, which uses the Maple platform, started in May 2021 and more than 21,000 virtual appointments occurred since then for mental health concerns, prescription renewals, skin problems, infections, minor injuries and joint pain. The average wait time for people who want an immediate appointment is 90 minutes from request to appointment.
Les soins virtuels offerts à un plus grand nombre de personnes - Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse

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