Study finds more kids hospitalized for cannabis poisonings after edibles legalized

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août 24, 2022

Ont.-based researchers found that Alta., B.C. and Ont. saw twice the increase in pediatric hospitalizations than Que., which prohibited edibles at the time of the study. They found that after cannabis became legal, there were an average of 5.2 child hospitalizations for cannabis poisonings per month in Alta., B.C. and Ont. After edibles were legalized in those provinces, that number grew to 14.9. In Que., the increase was smaller. That province averaged about 0.7 monthly hospital visits due to cannabis poisonings before legalization but that tripled after edibles were legalized, to about 2.1. Unlike adults, kids can become very sick if they ingest edibles. Their symptoms, especially in young children, can be more severe and can be life-threatening.

Hausse du nombre d’enfants hospitalisés pour des empoisonnements au cannabis - La Presse canadienne

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