Horizon addressing Moncton Hospital’s extreme ambulance offload delay problem

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août 19, 2022

In the past six months, there were 140 reports of ambulance patients waiting more than 12 hours for a hospital bed, including nine patients who waited in hallways on stretchers for 24 to 40 hours. Except for one 24-hour delay reported May 10 at Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, all were attributed to the Moncton Hospital. Horizon says the issue is partly staffing related and is also due to the proportion of ambulances in the Moncton area that go to the Moncton Hospital instead of the Dumont because of the kind of care each hospital provides.
Horizon s’attaque aux longs temps d’attente des ambulances à l’Hôpital de Moncton - Radio-Canada
A woman's last week in pain included 26-hour wait at Fredericton ER, son says - CBC News
Une femme meurt quelques jours après avoir attendu 26 heures à l’urgence au N.-B. - Radio-Canada

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