Man. orders regulator to remove exam considered barrier for internationally-trained nurses

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août 15, 2022

Most people who take the days-long clinical competence assessment are found to need remedial education to be licensed in the province and the additional requirement prevented numerous people from returning to Man. Amid staffing shortages, the province’s health minister delivered a compliance order to the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba to remove its requirement that internationally-educated nurses already licensed in other jurisdictions in Canada be subject to further testing if they're trying to be accredited in Man. again. The college will comply with the order.
Une infirmière formée à l’étranger autorisée à travailler au Man. après la décision du comité d’appel - Radio-Canada
Nursing certification rollback welcomed by advocates amid staffing shortage - Global News
Foreign-educated nurse allowed to work in Man. after appeal panel ruling - CBC News

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