Horizon Health Network hired almost 1,300 healthcare workers since Apr.

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août 19, 2022

Recruitment's increasing at Horizon Health Network, as a total of 1,291 healthcare workers were hired since Apr. The hires include 240 RNs, 163 LPNs, 288 personal care attendants, hundreds of health professionals and support service workers. Horizon’s recruitment and retention efforts are focused on three priorities: improving care of patients, providing better access to services, particularly emergency and surgical and improving the work environment to attract and retain staff. It explains traditional methods of recruitment aren’t as effective and evolved into a marketing-and-sales approach with a focus on social media.
Les efforts d’Horizon en matière de recrutement génèrent des retombées positives - Réseau de santé Horizon
Another patient has died while waiting for care at a New Brunswick hospital - Global News

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