Seniors' rights coalition suggests moving patient transfer file to Department of Health

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août 18, 2022

The Coalition for Seniors’ Rights shows that, in June, there were about 382 people waiting in hospital for a nursing home bed. In July, that was up to 429. The coalition suggests this should be the province’s top priority for the healthcare system. It wants an easier system put in place to move hospital patients to nursing homes, which currently requires discharge planning, a doctor, Extra Mural, the file getting transferred to social development and months of waiting. It argues the file should be transferred from the Department of Social Development to the Department of Health for better communication across just one department. Healthcare experts agree that by moving ALC patients out of hospital, it would open much-needed beds and put less pressure on staff. This was one of the top ideas in a report by Dr. Yogi Sehgal sent to politicians and decision-makers, on how to help the healthcare system.

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