Shortness of breath in post-COVID-19 patients linked to several abnormal physiological measurements

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juillet 06, 2022

The Western University study’s the first to connect shortness of breath after COVID-19 with several physiological components. Their technique involved participants inhaling polarized xenon gas while inside an MRI. They found that the transition of the oxygen into the red blood cells was depressed in symptomatic patients who had had COVID-19, compared to healthy volunteers. At an individual level, the researchers believe their findings point to a need for awareness about long-term symptoms, even in cases of mild illness. N..B.'s regional health authorities are studying health outcomes and symptoms in those who had COVID-19 through a registry of more than 400 people. No findings were released as of yet.
Une nouvelle technique d'imagerie révèle clairement la source du COVID long dans les poumons - femina

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