Alta. opens first walk-in health clinic led by pharmacists

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juin 24, 2022

The clinic, located inside a Superstore in Lethbridge, is a partnership with the University of Alberta. It's the start of a pilot project, with the possibility of opening more locations across the province. More than 35,000 residents in Lethbridge are without a family doctor and the clinic is slated to open with one pharmacist scheduled to work at a time. The clinic will operate daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m and will also be accepting new patients. Pharmacists in Alta. can assess patients and prescribe medications for minor illnesses and injuries, administer vaccines and other medications by injection, support chronic disease management and order and receive lab results. Loblaw provided a $500,000 grant to the University of Alberta to support research and teaching trough the pilot.

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