eVisitNB patient experiences vary as some appointments delayed or cancelled with no explanation

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juin 01, 2022

The eVisitNB virtual care clinics app, intended to reduce high patient volumes in ERs and walk-in clinics, is offered to anyone with a New Brunswick Medicare card. It’s offered since Jan. but users of the app are concerned it’s not as effective as the province hoped. Some users' appointments are delayed or cancelled with no explanation. Others claim they sometimes wait hours while other times they’re able to see a doctor immediately. Virtual care provider Maple said it provides the technology for the app - but can’t explain the delays in service. Between Jan. 18 and Feb. 14, eVisitNB enabled 4,276 virtual consultations. The average patient wait time was 50 minutes. At that time, it’s estimated one in five users of the platform avoided a trip to the ER.
Santé: délais d’attente et refus de soins sur le site eVisitNB - L'Acadie Nouvelle (abonnement)

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