Excess deaths in N.B. coincide with arrival of COVID-19 Delta variant

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mai 16, 2022

A spike in excess deaths that began in the summer of 2021 as the COVID-19 Delta variant began spreading in the province saw 636 more deaths than normal over a 20-week period – a mismatch with the 79 COVID deaths the province reported during those 20 weeks. Statistics Canada showed that from July to Nov., N.B. experienced 636 more deaths than would normally be expected in that period. The excess deaths during the pandemic are believed to be connected to the effects of the virus but the links to individual deaths aren’t known. The agency explains some deaths are caused by the virus, while some can be caused by delayed or cancelled medical procedures because of pandemic restrictions. An associate professor and infectious disease researcher at the University of Toronto said excess deaths in N.B. are likely cases of COVID-19 cases that went undetected because of inadequate testing and tracking.
Nombre provisoire de décès et surmortalité, janvier 2020 à février 2022 - Statistique Canada
Extreme heat, overdoses contributed to excess deaths in Canada amid COVID-19: report - Global News

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