Cancer cases and deaths expected to climb as population increases, ages

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mai 02, 2022

The University of Calgary study finds while overall cancer rates in Canada are declining, the raw numbers of cases and deaths each year are projected to increase owing to the country’s growing and aging population. It projects there will be 233,900 new cancer cases and 85,100 cancer deaths in 2022, up from an estimated 229,200 cancer cases and 84,600 cancer deaths in 2021. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada and 43% of Canadians are expected to receive a diagnosis in their lifetime. Lung, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers are expected to be the most diagnosed cancers and together are expected to represent 46% of all cancers diagnosed this year. Eastern provinces were found to generally projected to have a higher rate of incidence and mortality than western provinces because of the larger population of older people in eastern provinces and a higher distribution of risk factors like smoking and alcohol consumption. The study underscores the need for further investments in cancer research and effective public-health policies.

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