N.B. invests additional $1.48M into UNB nursing program for additional seats, mental health course for undergrads

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avril 08, 2022

The investment will be used to expand UNB’s master of nursing-nurse practitioner program from 10 seats to 20 and add a specialized training course on mental health for nursing undergrads. The expansion of the NP program will begin in the fall of 2023, while the new mental health training will start in Sept. The announcement comes in the midst of healthcare worker shortages and increasing ambulance offload delays. Horizon Health Network said on Apr. 6 that the ER at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton couldn’t treat non-urgent cases due to a critical staffing shortage.
L’UNB ajoute une spécialisation en santé mentale au domaine des sciences infirmières et double le nombre de places dans le programme de formation du personnel infirmier praticien - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

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