Man. private-public partnership with pharmacy aims to get smokers to quit

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avril 01, 2022

Smokers who are ready to quit will be supported by about 500 Man. pharmacists trained in smoking cessation tools and supports. People aged 18 and over are eligible for the program and can approach participating pharmacies for an initial assessment. They'll be offered follow-up counselling and up to $100 worth of prescribed medications and nicotine replacement therapies over a one-year period. The program involves a social impact bond, a funding model that asks private investors to fund social services projects. In this case, Shoppers Drug Mart is footing the initial bill of $2 million. The province will pay the company $2.12 million if the program's outcomes are met or exceeded.
Nouvelle obligation à impact social pour aider les Manitobains à cesser de fumer - Gouvernement du Manitoba

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