StatCan finds Canadians struggled to get COVID-19 rapid test while experts worry government messaging may hinder booster uptake

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avril 06, 2022

Government messaging about the state of the COVID-19 pandemic may stymie uptake of fourth vaccine doses, some experts say, as provinces lay out plans to expand eligibility for the shots to millions more Canadians. The fourth-dose rollout could serve to better protect more of Canada’s most vulnerable residents as COVID-19 indicators suggest worrying trends but experts say some provinces’ moves to lift restrictions is sending the message that the pandemic is no longer an issue. More than 89% of Canadian adults have two doses of COVID-19 vaccine but only 56.8% of that same group received a third dose. With COVID-19 testing, a Statistics Canada survey shows two in five Canadians experienced difficulties obtaining a rapid test. The survey shows 39% of participants aged 15 and older reported at least one instance where they would have liked a rapid test for themselves or a child in their household, but could not get one. A total of 60% said the tests were unavailable when they tried to get them. In addition, 25% reported they never ended up getting one as they had assumed that no tests were available. Other reasons why they had difficulties accessing rapid tests included not knowing where to go to get a test (21%), the available tests were too expensive (22%) and the wait time to get a test or an appointment was too long (18%).
Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les Canadiens – Dépistage et vaccination, 21 février au 13 mars 2022 - Statistique Canada

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