SDoH affect timeliness of mental healthcare for postpartum people

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avril 19, 2022

Researchers at the Women’s College Hospital demonstrated a significant gap in care for a high-risk population as they found less than half of postpartum psychiatric ED visits were followed by timely outpatient care. The researchers also found that SDoH increased disparities in access to care even further. In Ont., about one in 100 obstetrical deliveries result in an ED visit for psychiatric reasons in the first year postpartum. Given the high-risk nature of mental illness in that period, the researchers say rapid follow-up after postpartum psychiatric ED visits is essential for treatment to be efficient and to prevent further destabilization. The findings highlight a need for improved and more equitable post-ED outpatient care for postpartum individuals, with specific attention to centering young, low-income, rural-dwelling and newcomers.

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