N.S. health reform plan includes streamlining recruitment, expanding virtual care

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avril 26, 2022

The province’s Action for Health plan outlines six broad areas that need reform. It'll tackle three core issues:

  1. Recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals;
  2. Access to care; and
  3. Replacement of outdated infrastructure.

The reforms include streamlining recruitment and proposes ways to attract and keep healthcare workers, including paying family doctors more and creating a retirement plan for full-time physicians. The plan also calls for expanding virtual care to add consultations with specialists and to be an option in ERs. Other areas include steps to expand the role of health professionals such as nurses and pharmacists and to build accountability at every level of the system. The are no timelines or targets included in the four-year plan that’s expected to run until 2026.
Plan stratégique pour améliorer les soins de santé en Nouvelle-Écosse - Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Nova Scotia plan to address challenges in health system panned for lacking detail - CTV News

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