Saskatchewan develops Community Recovery Teams to treat complex cases, avoid hospitalizations

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Expérience des soins
février 06, 2019

As part of a $4.2-million project, the province is setting up Community Recovery Teams (CRTs) made up of six healthcare professionals to work with people who have severe mental illnesses. The project will be set up in eight communities and each team will consist of a mental health nurse, social worker, clinical counsellor, occupational therapist, addiction counsellor and assessor co-ordinator. Case managers in Saskatoon currently look after 36-40 people. An estimated 20% of those fall into the difficult to serve category. The teams will use a holistic and team-based approach to help manage symptoms and avoid hospitalization for those clients.
La Saskatchewan injecte 4,2 M$ pour les cas complexes de santé mentale - Radio-Canada

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