New Brunswick Health Council survey highlights unmet home care needs

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Nouvelles du CSNB
janvier 29, 2019

The survey asked those 18 and older who live in their own homes about the need for home care services. An estimated 38,000 of them were identified as needing home care services. Forty-two percent of those would have needs that were partially or completely unmet.The NBHC, in discussions with the organizations responsible for the Extra-Mural, Long Term Care, and Disability Support Programs, points out these unmet needs musts be highlighted. The most commonly types of home care needs included home support services (cooking, cleaning and other assistance) and medical services such as nursing or other care. The NBHC intends to follow with the results of the 2018 edition of its Home Care Survey in late February, reporting on the quality of services being offered and how they impact clients.

Parmi les Néo-Brunswickois ayant des besoins en services à domicile, 42% ont des besoins non satisfaits - CSNB
Soins à domicile: de nombreux Néo-Brunswickois insatisfaits - Acadie Nouvelle (abonnment)
Thousands who need home care receive none: Survey - Telegraph-Journal (sub. req.)
Les soins à domicile au Nouveau-Brunswick ne répondent pas à tous les besoins, selon un rapport - Radio-Canada
‘We need to do much better’: N.B. Health Council reports home care shortcomings - Global News
Home-care system fails 4 in 10 New Brunwickers who need it - CBC

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