Stats Canada finds population eating less sugar, beverages still the top source of sugar

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Santé de la population
janvier 21, 2019

Canadians of all ages are consuming less sugar but they’re still getting most of it from sweetened drinks. Children aged nine to 18 are still the biggest consumers of sugar, and Canadians are getting more sugar from food than they did 10 years before the agency’s 2015 survey. In 2015, sweetened beverages were responsible for 22% of the sugar young children consumed, 30% of what older children ingested, and 24% of adults’ intake. The agency said that if all sugary drinks (soft drinks, milk, juices, fruit drinks, tea, coffee and energy drinks) were combined into one category, they would represent the top sugar source for all Canadians. The World Health Organization noted in a 2017 report that sugary drinks are a “major contributor” to obesity and diabetes.
Changement dans la consommation de sucres totaux chez les enfants et les adultes canadiens - Statistique Canada

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