Fredericton's Ville Cooperative community centre to pilot intergenerational living project

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janvier 28, 2019

Intergenerational housing is growing in Ottawa and Toronto as well as globally. Now, Fredericton's Ville Cooperative community centre is creating a Intergenerational Housing Pilot Project that will have students and seniors living together. The two-year study of 10 pairs of students and seniors living together in the Fredericton area will also develop a replicable model of the program that can be implemented across the province. A focus group that discussed the project at the Ville highlighted both the values and benefits of seniors and students living together. The group concluded companionship, health, security and sharing of knowledge were some of those values. The project’s organizers are applying for funding from the Healthy Seniors Pilot Project, a $75-million program between the province and Public Health Agency of Canada.

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