UNB LGBTQ students say healthcare system fails transgendered patients

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Expérience des soins
janvier 28, 2019

Qmunity, a LGBTQ society on the University of New Brunswick campus, decided it needs to focus on healthcare after MLA David Coon indicated that Horizon Health’s CEO said transgender healthcare was not on the list of network priorities. Community members voiced their challenges with the healthcare system and brainstormed ways to get their concerns into the public eye and onto the priority list at Horizon. Outside specialized practices such as Clinic 554, the group indicated there aren’t enough well-informed providers that make transgender people feel understood and welcomed. Some providers are said to be discriminatory against transgender patients and others can be nervous and ill-informed. Members of Qmunity believe that mandatory LGBTQ training for healthcare providers would go a long way in providing the quality healthcare services.

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