Founder of P.E.I.’s COACH program that keeps frail seniors at home says it could work in N.B.

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Expérience des soins
janvier 14, 2019

The award-winning program is designed to help seniors in P.E.I. to stay in their own home for longer to reduce ER overcrowding. One of the founders of the Caring for Older Adults in Community and at Home (COACH) Program, Dr. Tim Stultz, believes it could work in N.B. As part of the program, frail seniors are identified by home care officials or primary care physicians, and a nurse practitioner visits the patient to perform a geriatric assessment and discuss needs and goals with the patient and their family. From there, a team provides patient care at home. The program is also used to avoid early nursing home admissions. Dr. Stultz said the program could be of use to N.B. but it would require training additional nurse practitioners in geriatric care.

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