England's NHS aims to transform primary care with 'digital first' plan

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Expérience des soins
janvier 10, 2019

Patients in the U.K. will be given the option of "digital first" primary care as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. The plan forecasts that primary care and outpatient services will change over the next 10 years to a model of tiered escalation depending on need, in which clinicians will be supported by digital tools. The plan will involve people being increasingly cared for in their own homes, monitored by wearable devices, the NHS App and online consultations. Other digital plans include:

  • By 2020, every patient with a long-term condition will have access to their health record via the NHS App;
  • More support for people with long term conditions through mobile monitoring devices;
  • Patients’ personal health records will hold a care plan with information added by themselves or an authorized carer;
  • An expansion of the NHS Digital Academy program to improve digital leadership;
  • An expectation that informatics leaders will be on the board of every NHS organization;
  • A new wave of Global Digital Exemplars to get more trusts to use technology; and
  • The use of depersonalized data from local records, in line with information governance safeguards, to support population health management.

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