Study finds middle-aged workers who have heart attack, stroke suffer significant loss of income

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Santé de la population
janvier 07, 2019

Research led by the University of Manitoba says the incomes of workers aged 40 to 61 who suffer heart attack, stroke and/or cardiac arrest are significantly less than similarly-aged individuals who don't have a cardiovascular event. The data suggest in the three years after the illness, loss of income totals:

  • Eight percent for those who had a heart attack;
  • Twenty-three percent for those who had cardiac arrest; and
  • Thirty-one percent for those who had a stroke.

The study also determines that workers who suffer a cardiovascular event are more likely to stop working altogether than those who haven't had one of those illnesses.
Les revenus sont en forte baisse après un AVC ou une crise cardiaque - L'Actualité

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