Alta. government expands midwives' scope of practice to include prescribing drugs, contraceptives

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décembre 13, 2018

The Alberta government will permit midwives to prescribe and administer a broader range of prescription drugs, including contraceptives and contraceptive devices. In hospitals, they'll be allowed to order and dispense benzodiazepines and narcotics. They can also:

  • Prescribe and administer vaccines;
  • Insert intrauterine contraceptive devices;
  • Provide prescription drugs to induce labour; and
  • Use ultrasounds to determine fetal position.

The Alberta government is increasing funding for midwifery services by $11 million over three years, bringing the total to $49 million.
Alberta expanding what midwives can do, on top of funding increases - The Canadian Press
Alberta midwives granted ability to induce labour, administer contraceptives under new rules - Edmonton Journal

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