New Brunswick scales back capital spending, health department capital budget to be $123.8M in 2019-20

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décembre 12, 2018

New Brunswick’s government tabled a $600-million capital budget with a focus on returning to balanced budgets by 2020 or sooner. The biggest spending in 2019-2020 is $321 million to maintain transportation infrastructure. Almost $124 million goes to healthcare infrastructure, with capital budget including:

  • $10.8 million for construction of the new Centre of Excellence, a provincial mental health treatment centre for youth in Campbellton;
  • $13.7 million for continuing work on the addition of a surgical suite and renovations at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton;
  • $15.8 million for the maternal newborn unit project at the Moncton Hospital.
  • $33.9 million for continuing additions and renovations at the Chaleur Regional Hospital in Bathurst; and
  • $15 million for an addition and renovation project at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton.

The following projects will be delayed:

  • The coronary care unit project at the Moncton Hospital;
  • Refurbishment of the intensive care, surgical and oncology units at the Saint John Regional Hospital; and
  • A maternal newborn renovation project at the Edmundston Regional Hospital.

Budget d’immobilisations du ministère de la Santé pour 2019-2020 - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

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