CMA calls for political action on climate change; says it should be a health priority

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Santé de la population
novembre 29, 2018

The CMA wants the federal government to consider implementing the recommendations contained in a global report on the health implications of climate change. Among the suggestions contained in the document are:

  • Coordinate federal governmental departments, local governments and national institutions to standardize surveillance and reporting of heat-related illness and deaths;
  • Integrate climate change and health into the curriculum of all medical and health sciences faculties;
  • Ensure consistent, pro-active external communications by health-related organizations pointing out the links between climate change and health impacts in real time; and
  • Fund increased study into the mental health impacts of climate change and psychosocial adaptation opportunities.

Les émissions de GES tuent des milliers de Canadiens, selon un rapport publié dans The Lancet - La Press Canadienne

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