Manitoba earmarks $5.3M for hip, knee replacements, cataract surgeries

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novembre 22, 2018

Manitoba's health minister claims the cash infusion will permit about 1,000 extra hip and knee replacements to be performed next year, a 25% increase from 2018's expected total. As well, the number of cataract surgeries should increase by about 2,000 in 2019, an increase of 16%. The minister noted that Manitoba is at or near the bottom when it comes to the number of those types of surgical procedures performed and the extra funding should alleviate those issues.
La Province annonce un financement accru pour les chirurgies de la hanche, du genou et de la cataracte en vue de réduire les délais d'attente des Manitobains - Gouvernement du Manitoba
Manitoba puts up cash to cut wait times for hip, knee and cataract surgeries - The Canadian Press

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