PHAC investing $20M over five years for community-based projects addressing dementia

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novembre 19, 2018

Until Dec. 10, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) will accept applications from community groups for funding for projects that inform best practices relating to dementia. The federal agency set aside $20 million for the Dementia Community Investment fund for the next five years. There's a further commitment of $4 million annually thereafter. The types of projects that'll be considered for the fund are those that:

  • Optimize the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia and their family or friend caregivers;
  • Promote awareness;
  • Prioritize populations more susceptible to the risk factors for dementia or experiencing barriers to accessing support; and
  • Address stigma.

Nouveau fonds à l’appui des personnes vivant avec une démence - Agence de la santé publique du Canada

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