HQO report into Ont. healthcare finds hospital overcrowding systemic of bigger issues

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novembre 19, 2018

The annual report from Health Quality Ontario concerning the provincial's healthcare system suggests hospital overcrowding is a symptom of other problems, such as:

  • ER visits are on the rise, especially among patients with serious conditions. Plus, patients are spending more time in the ER before being admitted to hospital;
  • Hospital ERs are also facing an increased challenge dealing with the opioid crisis;
  • The number of hospital beds occupied by patients waiting to receive care elsewhere continues to increase and is equivalent to more than 10 large, 400-bed hospitals filled to capacity every day; and
  • Patients are waiting longer to access long-term care, assisted living and home care, from hospital and from the community.

The report also finds that more Ontarians as a whole are living past age 75 and that more patients have cancer and and general surgeries within prescribed wait times.
Le système de santé de l'Ontario fait l'objet de pressions accrues - Qualité des services de sant Ontario
À la hauteur 2018 : Défis complexes - Qualité des services de sant Ontario
Measuring Up 2018: Complex Challenges - Health Quality Ontario

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