CAMH introduces Game Changers, a digital mental health program for youth

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novembre 09, 2018

With a commitment of $1.25 million over the next three years from the HBC Foundation, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) launched Game Changers. The program uses a digital platform to deliver support and advice to youth suffering from mental health issues. Among the features of Game Changers are:

  • A conversation starter guide, adapted for youth who want to open a dialogue about mental health;
  • A self-care toolkit;
  • A resource guide designed to identify early signs of mental illness and to seek help; and
  • An online evaluation form to collect feedback from youth.  

Another feature is the presence of former NHL goalie Corey Hirsch, who'll raise awareness about mental illness by describing his own experiences to high schools, youth clubs and sports association.

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