Fraser Institute study claims Canadians not getting good bang for their healthcare buck

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novembre 08, 2018

The Fraser Institute suggests that in 2016, Canada's healthcare expenditures as a percentage of GDP, 11%, was the fourth-highest among the 28 nations with universal healthcare systems. Despite that, the think tank ranked Canada low on the following metrics:

  • Number of doctors (2.7/thousand people): 26th;
  • Number of hospital beds (2.1/thousand people): 25th;
  • Number of MRI scanners (9.9/million people): 22nd; and
  • Number of CT scanners (15.6/million people): 21st.

Next to 10 nations the Fraser Institute selected as comparable, Canada was last for wait times, with 30% of patients waiting at least two months to see a specialist and 18% waiting at least four months for elective surgery.

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